As consultants, we talk with business owners on a daily basis, helping solve a plethora of communication challenges that growing a business presents. We approach every client with the mindset of finding a solution that is best for their business and unique challenges. Function, then form. Not all solutions need re-inventing; sometimes tried and tested applications just need tweaking to match a specific project or brand.
StartUp branding: How to get it right
Starting a new business is not easy. There’s a lot to think about, a lot to learn and many mistakes to be made. But, getting your branding wrong is one mistake that can, and should be, avoided at all costs.
How much does Startup branding really cost?
Strong branding is crucial to business success but as a startup it’s important to spend wisely with an agency or freelancer who understands your goals and vision.
Brand vs Branding: What's the difference?
There is often no real distinction between brand and branding, a common yet sizeable mistake that could cost a business its potential success.
5 Steps to marketing your start-up
Around 80 new businesses are set up every hour in the UK. That’s a lot of competition, so making sure yours stands out is crucial.
A guide to microsites for bootstrap start-ups
For those who aren’t familiar with microsites, they’re exactly what they sound like: Mini websites – usually with just one to four pages – which are highly optimised to promote a specific service or product in a small, easy-to-use package.
Perfect pitch: Why presentation design is important
Throughout your presentations and official documents you are communicating your level of expertise, talent, and professionalism. If your visual standards are low, your audience may well assume that you have cut corners elsewhere.