As consultants, we talk with business owners on a daily basis, helping solve a plethora of communication challenges that growing a business presents. We approach every client with the mindset of finding a solution that is best for their business and unique challenges. Function, then form. Not all solutions need re-inventing; sometimes tried and tested applications just need tweaking to match a specific project or brand.
StartUp branding: How to get it right
Starting a new business is not easy. There’s a lot to think about, a lot to learn and many mistakes to be made. But, getting your branding wrong is one mistake that can, and should be, avoided at all costs.
9 Steps to create effective marketing materials for your business
When setting up a business, strategic positioning, professional branding and effective marketing are no longer optional extras – they are essential for growth.
Improving young lives with LinkMeUp Buddies
LinkMeUp Buddies is on a mission to support vulnerable people to lead their lives as they wish and to challenge barriers that prevent individual choice and fulfilment.
How to unlock the power of colour in branding
Choosing the right colours for your logo and branding will help your business connect with your audience and grow exponentially; choosing the wrong colours will do the exact opposite.
5 Ways to inject new life into your business
To make sure you stay ahead of the curve, it’s important that you are planning ahead whilst making sure your team understands the core vision of the company.
Recognising the true ROI of business branding
Think about the last time you walked into a Starbucks coffee house and ordered a coffee. The power of branding is what’s making you pay what would otherwise be considered way over the odds for these products.
The power of print in a digital world
The latest research shows that people are 70 per cent more likely to remember a brand they see in print compared to online.
Digital and print: The perfect combination
The key for a successful business is to find opportunities to combine digital and print marketing efforts for a cohesive brand experience.
4 Website design tips to help you connect with your audience
We are human. We all share a basic set of needs and interactive behavioural habits that need to be honoured when designing a website. A truly human-centric website will be easy to use and designed to anticipate our actions and needs as people.
Amateur VS Professional branding
Here we explore the true cost of amateur branding, and the reasons why you shouldn’t take the risk.
Five projects you should outsource to a creative agency as a growing business
While a topic of concern for some, outsourcing projects is the only way forward for those businesses that simply don’t have the time or the know-how to nail the creative side of development and can’t afford to take on full-time staff with the level of expertise needed.
Branding is an investment, not an expense
If you want to build a business that extends beyond the simple products/services you sell you need a strong brand. And, part of communicating that brand to the outside world is your visual business branding.
The importance of design in email marketing
Research by Mailigen shows that 89% of marketers use email as their primary channel for lead generation, so inboxes are getting crowded. Good design will make sure yours stands out.
Why the humble business card still deserves our love
We realise that, with almost every aspect of our lives and businesses being run digitally now, it might sound odd that physical stationery is still so influential, but it is. And here’s why…
3 New Year's Resolutions for fast-growing businesses
No matter the size of your organisation the new year is a great time to implement changes to your business. It’s the ideal time to take a look back over the past 12 months and assess what’s working, what’s not and what can be improved.
To rebrand, or not to rebrand?
Rebranding is a big decision, not to be taken lightly. Change can help drive growth, provide flexibility and present opportunities but it’s easy to get caught up in the ideologies of a rebrand before all facts and consequences have been taken into account.
Six questions to ask when hiring a design agency
A few of the most important questions potential clients ask us when they visit for the first time, and we encourage you to do the same if you want to find the designer that’s right for you and your business
Perfect pitch: Why presentation design is important
Throughout your presentations and official documents you are communicating your level of expertise, talent, and professionalism. If your visual standards are low, your audience may well assume that you have cut corners elsewhere.
Good design, is good business
It’s important to note the direct and indirect benefits that good design can have upon a business from brand awareness right through to conversions and scalability.
How much does business branding cost?
Do you as the client decide on a budget or does the agency lead with what they think you need?