5 Photography tips to improve your visual marketing


(1 - 2 minute read)

The volume of high-quality content on social media is constantly growing and businesses are starting to understand the importance of good photography and how it helps to shape a brand. Imagery also helps with performance and reach on social media—tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images. But, if you’re aiming to share a new image on Instagram every day, hiring a professional photographer can be an expensive option. And while we strongly advise that you do use a professional when possible, here are a few tips on improving your own photography first.

1.  Keep it simple

The internet is full of images and as viewers our attention span is short. When we’re presented with pages of images we’re going to be attracted to the ones that catch our attention. Simple but bold colours and shapes will help your images to stand out.

2. Use natural light

Lighting is key. There is no amount of filtering/editing that will save a poorly lit photo. And, natural light always looks better especially on shots that are supposed to have been taken in the moment. Try not to place your subject/product in direct sunlight but place it next to a large window where there’s plenty of light or try shooting outside. Experiment using light to the left or right of your subject/product instead of the front, you will find this gives your subject/project a lot more shape.

3. Learn composition

Composition is what draws the eye into your image, it’s what will keep your viewer engaged with your image. But, it is also one of those skills that comes naturally to some and less so to others but it can be learnt. We suggest reading through this article for tips on the basic rules of composition.

10 Composition rules in photography.

4.  Edit your images

We don’t mean go out and start learning Photoshop we mean use the editing tools that are available to you. Instagram and many other apps provide great editing tools that are easy to use and can give your images a significant boost. Try to keep your editing consistent though, if you like the desaturated look then make sure all of your images are desaturated and build up your own style that your viewers will instantly recognise.

5. Tell a story

Imagery is powerful. Don’t just create an image for the sake of it, try to think about why you’re creating the image, what is it you want to tell you customers with that photo?

Imagery is powerful and can have a huge impact on how your potential customers view your business. So, make sure your images reflect the quality of your products/services.  

If you still feel like you don’t have the time, or the eye, for creating your own visual content. Let’s chat about how we can help you produce regular, engaging imagery that will help your business standout from the crowd.



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